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v0.5.0 of Nacos-sdk-csharp was released! Capabilities aligned with Java SDK!

· 3 min read

After promoted by Alibaba Summer of Coding(ASoC), nacos-sdk-csharp released a new version 0.5.0. So far, nacos-sdk-csharp will have the same capabilities as the Java-sdk.

Thanks for contribution of Aman, Wenqing Huang during ASoC.

Main release note of v0.5.0 of Nacos-sdk-csharp

  1. Fixed auth request return 403
  2. Failover of configuration was change from memory to file
  3. Fixed can not retrieve available service after specify load balance strategy
  4. Fixed can not refresh accesstoken due to only login once
  5. Support Yaml and Ini parser
  6. Support subscribe and unsubscribe of naming
  7. Support PreferredNetworks to choose the network adapter
  8. Perfect ASP.NET Core integration






  • good first issue :对于新手来说是非常好的入门issues。
  • contribution welcome :非常需要解决的问题和非常重要的模块,但目前缺少贡献者,欢迎贡献者来贡献。



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Nacos 是阿里巴巴于2018年7月份新开源的项目,Nacos的主要愿景是期望通过提供易用的 动态服务发现服务配置管理服务共享与管理 的基础设施,帮助用户在云原生时代更好的构建、交付、管理自己的微服务平台。

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