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An easy-to-use dynamic service discovery, configuration and service management platform for building cloud native applications
Nacos /nɑ:kəʊs/, acronym for Naming and Configuration Service, is a dynamic service discovery, configuration management, and service management platform that makes it easier to build cloud-native applications.
We believe that everything is a service, each service node is conceived as a planet, and each service is a galaxy. Nacos is committed to helping build connections between these services, helping every dream of the stars to fly through the clouds, on the cloud, better link the whole sky.
Main features Continue to enhance open source capabilities
Easy to use
One-stop solution for dynamic service discovery, configuration management and dynamic DNS service
20+ out-of-the-box features for service-centric architectures
Light-weight production-ready console
More adaptive to cloud architectures
Seamlessly support kubernetes and spring cloud
Easier to deploy and run on popular public cloud (for example AliCloud and AWS)
Support multi-tenants and multi-environments
Production grade
Originated from time-tested internal products from Alibaba Group
Supports large-scale scenarios with millions of services
Open-source product with enterprise-level SLA
Rich internet application scenarios affinity
Supports rate throttling, big promotion plans, and multi-region active-active architectures
Supports a variety of relevant internet-based use cases directly or with slight extension
Traffic scheduling & service governance
E-Book Nacos
nacos ebook
Core functions Explore Our Features
Dynamic Configuration Service
Dynamic Configuration Service allows you to manage configurations in all environments in a centralized, externalized, and dynamic approach.
Dynamic Configuration Service allows you to manage configurations in all environments in a centralized, externalized, and dynamic approach. Dynamic configuration saves you from redeploying your applications and services when configuration is updated. You can implement stateless services and achieve on-demand scaling effortlessly.
Service Discovery and Management
Dynamic Service Discovery is key to service-centric (for example microservice or cloud-native) architectures.
Dynamic Service Discovery is key to service-centric (for example microservice or cloud-native) architectures. Nacos supports both DNS-based and RPC-based (Dubbo, gRPC) service discovery, and provides real-time service health checks to pre vent routing requests from being sent to unhealthy hosts or service instances. With Nacos, you can also implement circuit breakers for your services with ease.
Dynamic DNS Service
By supporting weighted routing, Dynamic DNS Service helps you implement mid-tier load balancing, more flexible routing, traffic control and DNS resolution services in the production environment within your data center.
By supporting weighted routing, Dynamic DNS Service helps you implement mid-tier load balancing, more flexible routing, traffic control and DNS resolution services in the production environment within your data center. Dynamic DNS Service also makes it easier for you to implement DNS-based service discovery, which minimizes the risk of coupling to vendor-specific service discovery APIs.
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