Dubbo and Nacos are the classic combination from production practice of Alibaba's large-scale micro-service. Compared to traditional registry centers such as ZooKeeper and configuration center solutions, when building a microservice application platform by using cloud native and Service Mesh paradigm, with the use of Nacos in Dubbo, all the power of Dubbo in the large-scale microservice management, traffic management, service integration and sharing can be fully released.
Nacos supports service discovery and dynamic configuration management required by Kubernetes and CNCF. Nacos can replace completely and seamlessly Kubernetes’ primary DNS-based Service Discovery solutions. Nacos is featured with providing more service governance, which includes management of service domain, service health and life cycle management, traffic management and intelligent routing strategy management and etc. Nacos also enhances the management of ConfigMap, including version configuration and gated launch and etc.
Nacos is fully compatible and seamlessly supports the relevant API and main related functions of Spring Cloud. You can use Nacos as a configuration service for Spring Cloud Config Server or a better alternative for product of service discovery such as Eureka/Consul/ZooKeeper and etc. Nacos brings many feature enhancements required by the production and micro-service governance in configuration management and service management.
Feel free to contact us through the DingTalk group (1 group is full, 2 group number: 30438813), or via the following channel.
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