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Version: 1.X

Cluster deployment instructions

Cluster Mode Deployment

This Quick Start Manual is to help you quickly download, install and use Nacos on your computer to deploy the cluster mode for production use.

Cluster Deployment Architecture

Therefore, when it is open source, it is recommended that users put all server lists under a vip and then hang under a domain name.

Http://ip1:port/openAPI Directly connected to ip mode, the machine needs to be modified to use ip.

Http://SLB:port/openAPI Mount the SLB mode(Intranet, do not expose internet to avoid security risks), directly connect to SLB, the following server ip real ip, readability is not good.

Http:// Domain name + SLB mode(Intranet, do not expose internet to avoid security risks), good readability, and easy to change ip, recommended mode


1. Preparing for the Environment

Make sure that it is installed and used in the environment:

  1. 64 bit OS Linux/Unix/Mac, recommended Linux system.
  2. 64 bit JDK 1.8+; Download. Configuration.
  3. Maven 3.2.x+; Download. Configuration.
  4. 3 or more Nacos Nodes;

2. Download source code or installation package

You can get Nacos in two ways.

Download source code from Github

cd nacos/
mvn -Prelease-nacos clean install -U
cd nacos/distribution/target/nacos-server-1.3.0/nacos/bin

Download Compressed Packet after Compilation

Download address

zip package

tar.gz package

  unzip or tar -xvf nacos-server-1.3.0.tar.gz
cd nacos/bin

3. Configuration Cluster Profile

In the Nacos decompression directory Nacos / conf directory, there is a configuration file cluster. conf, please configure each line as ip: port.

# ip:port

4. Determine The DataSource

Using built-in data sources

No configuration is required

Use an external data source

production and use recommendations at least backup mode, or high availability database.

Initializes the MySQL database

sql statement source file

application. properties configuration configuration file

5. start server


Standalone mode

sh -m standalone

Cluster mode

Using built-in data sources

sh -p embedded

Use an external data source


6. Service Registration & Discovery and Configuration Management

Service registration

curl -X PUT ''

Service discovery

curl -X GET ''

Publish configuration

curl -X POST ""

get configuration

curl -X GET ""

7. shut down server

