Nacos system parameters introduce
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Nacos Server
For Server side, usually set in {nacos.home}/conf/
, if the parameter name after mark (-D), says is the JVM parameter, need in {nacos.home}/bin/
accordingly set up. Such as setting nacos. The value of the home, can be in {nacos.home}/bin/
the following Settings:
JAVA_OPT="${JAVA_OPT} -Dnacos.home=${BASE_DIR}"
Global parameters
Parameter names | Meaning | Optional value | Default value | Support version |
nacos.home(-D) | Nacos root directory | Directory path | Nacos installation directory | >= 0.1.0 |
nacos.standalone(-D) | Whether in stand-alone mode | true/false | false | >= 0.1.0 |
nacos.functionMode(-D) | Boot mode, support only start one module, do not set all modules will start | config/naming/null | null | >= 0.9.0 |
nacos.inetutils.prefer-hostname-over-ip | if you should fill in hostname in cluster.conf | true/false | false | >= 0.3.0 |
nacos.inetutils.ip-address | Native IP, set this parameter, will use this IP tocluster.conf matching, please make sure that the IP value exists in the cluster.conf | Native IP | null | >= 0.3.0 |
Naming module
Parameter names | Meaning | Optional value | Default value | Support version |
---|---|---|---|---| | Whether the Server startup to preheat the data | true/false | false | >= 1.0.2 |
nacos.naming.expireInstance | Whether automatic removal of temporary instance | true/false | true | >= 1.0.2 |
nacos.naming.distro.taskDispatchPeriod | Synchronization task generation cycle, milliseconds | positive integer | 2000 | >= 1.0.2 |
nacos.naming.distro.batchSyncKeyCount | The number of each batch of key synchronization task | positive integer | 1000 | >= 1.0.2 |
nacos.naming.distro.syncRetryDelay | Synchronization task failure retry intervals, milliseconds | positive integer | 5000 | >= 1.0.2 |
In addition to the above listed to in
configuration properties, And some can be adjusted call interface at runtime, These parameters are in the Open APIexamine system current data index
the API in a statement.
Config module
Parameter names | Meaning | Optional value | Default value | Support version |
db.num | Number of database | positive integer | 0 | >= 0.1.0 |
db.url.0 | The first database URL | string | null | >= 0.1.0 |
db.url.1 | The second database URL | string | null | >= 0.1.0 |
db.user | User name of the database connection | string | null | >= 0.1.0 |
db.password | Database connection password | string | null | >= 0.1.0 |
spring.datasource.platform | Database type | string | mysql|>=1.3.0 | | | Database connection pool parameters, using hikari connection pool, the parameters are the same as hikari connection pool, such as db.pool.config.connectionTimeout or db.pool.config.maximumPoolSize | string | same as hikariCp | >=1.4.1 |
Now the db config support multi data source. It can set data source num by db.num
, and db.url.index
as the corresponding connection’s url. When db.user
and db.password
are set without index
, all db connection use db.user
and db.password
to auth. If the username or password is different with different data source, can split by symbol ,
, or use db.user.index
to set corresponding db connection’s username or password. It is important to note that, when db.user
or db.password
are set without index, and the mechanism which split db.user
by ,
exist, so if username or password contains ,
, it will split the value by ,
, and use split[0] to auth, failed to auth finally.
Nacos started to use HikariCP connection pool from version 1.3, but before version 1.4.1, the connection pool configuration is system default value, and the configuration could not be customized. After 1.4.1, Nacos provide a method to configure the HikariCP connection pool.
is the configuration prefix, xxx
is the actual hikariCP configuration, such as db.pool.config.connectionTimeout
or db.pool.config.maximumPoolSize
and so on. For more configuration of hikariCP, please check HikariCP
It should be noted that url
, user
, password
will be rewrite by db.url.n
, db.user
, db.password
, and driverClassName is the default MySQL8 driver which supports mysql5.x.
CMDB module
Parameter names | Meaning | Optional value | Default value | Support version |
nacos.cmdb.loadDataAtStart | Whether to open the CMDB | true/false | false | >= 0.7.0 |
nacos.cmdb.dumpTaskInterval | The full amount of the interval of the dump, the unit is in seconds | positive integer | 3600 | >= 0.7.0 |
nacos.cmdb.eventTaskInterval | The pull interval change events, the unit is in seconds | positive integer | 10 | >= 0.7.0 |
nacos.cmdb.labelTaskInterval | Label the pull interval set, the unit is in seconds | positive integer | 300 | >= 0.7.0 |
Nacos Java Client
TODO: Move to dependent document in user guide
Client parameters are divided into two kinds, one kind is through the -D parameter to specify the configuration of the client is a kind of structure, through Properties
objects specified in the configuration, the following without -D marked by Properties
injection configuration.
General parameters
Parameter names | Meaning | Optional value | Default value | Support version |
endpoint | Connection Nacos Server specify the connection point, you can refer to file | domain name | null | >= 0.1.0 |
endpointPort | Connection Nacos Server specify the connection port, you can refer to file | Legal port | null | >= 0.1.0 |
namespace | namespace ID | namespace ID | config module is empty, naming module is public | >= 0.8.0 |
serverAddr | Nacos Server address list, this value is higher priority than the endpoint | ip,ip,… | null | >= 0.1.0 |
JM.LOG.PATH(-D) | client log directory | directory path | root directory of the user | >= 0.1.0 | | Naming client log level | info,error,warn etc | info | >= 1.0.0 | | Config client log level | info,error,warn etc | info | >= 1.0.0 | | Whether to open the HTTPS | true/false | false | >= 1.0.0 |
Naming client
Parameter names | Meaning | Optional value | Default value | Support version |
namingLoadCacheAtStart | If boot priority reads a local cache | true/false | false | >= 1.0.0 |
namingCacheRegistryDir | The subdirectory of cache, default is .../nacos/{SUB_DIR}/naming | path of SUB_DIR | empty string | >=2.0.2 |
namingClientBeatThreadCount | client’s heartbeat thread pool size | positive integer | number of the machine’s CPU half | >= 1.0.0 |
namingPollingThreadCount | client regularly polling data update the thread pool size | positive integer | number of the machine’s CPU half | >= 1.0.0 | | The directory of client cache | path of directory | {user.home}/nacos/naming | >= 1.0.0 |
Config client
Parameter names | Meaning | Optional value | Default value | Support version |
configLongPollTimeout(config.long-poll.timeout 1.0.1 version) | Long polling timeout, milliseconds | positive integer | 30000 | >= 1.0.2 |
configRetryTime(config.retry.time 1.0.1 version) | Retry time long polling tasks, milliseconds | positive integer | 2000 | >= 1.0.2 |
maxRetry | Long polling retries | positive integer | 3 | >= 1.0.2 |
enableRemoteSyncConfig | Listeners are added to the remote configuration for the first time | boolean value | false | >= 1.0.2 |